I was eight years old when my grandmother began that part of the JW indoctrination process that they like to call the "Free Home Bible Study".
At his mother's insistence, my father attended parts of a few assemblies,including the public talks. Significantly, he picked up immediately that it was pointless bringing children along to such events (this was about the time the "Babylon the Great" book was released) - as the content was clean over their heads. Was he right about that!
Nonetheless, my father was placed under much pressure from his parents to bring us three children along to the meetings. Luckily for us all, he resisted.
For that, I can't thank him enough!
I wholeheartedly agree with his later description of the JW routine of five meetings a week (as it was then), plus Circuit Assemblies, District Conventions, Special Assemblies, International Assemblies etc - with mandatory attendance of both children as well as adults - as "inhuman."
PS: How I managed to get snared in when a teenager is another story!